

welsh & hebrew

meaning love (caron) and compassion (dara), respectively.



Children Fed



Our History

at various locations


Number of Outreaches

That is the driving force behind all we do and what greater example of those words than Jesus Christ, who is love, personified.
Our mission is to serve vulnerable and internally displaced children in IDP camps with warm meals, education/empowerment & the beautiful good news of Jesus.
It started from the founder’s business model, where for every 3 plates of food sold, a hungry child gets a free meal!
It started out with the first outreach on the 5th of May, 2019 where a kind soul paid for 15 children to be fed and business continued from there. Needless to say, sometimes, the returns were not enough to feed the children in the places visited all the time and moved with compassion, the founder embraced the need for expansion.
That was how Carondara became what it is today – a middle man of middle men (you our volunteers), who God uses to draw the “littlest” of people to Himself.
So you are part of our story and we couldn’t have found any better actor!

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